Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Job search

I've just made up my mind about this week job search schedule. I have to have written at least two CVs in Spanish with it's correspondent cover letters, and one English CV with it's cover letter, by next Sunday.

Now that I'm really looking seriously to my future, I realize that I'm full of doubts. I know I can manage with English, but is my level going to be enough? Do I have what companies are looking for? Is my brilliant academic record going to make any difference?

Furthermore there's a lot of different kind of companies whom you can work for. Most of them operate under the brand of consulting. Becoming a Tech consultant means to earn a lot of money after the first two years, but working overtime very often as well. The job seams exciting because it's exactly what an engineer is taught to do. You analyze situations, find needs, establish requirements, design and deploy solutions, all using the best technology available.

Another interesting group is composed of the biggest software companies. We are talking about Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Sun Microsystems, HP, IBM, and so on. These offer the most wanted positions. In this companies It's not common to work overtime, and engineers are considered important and their job is appreciated.

A word is due to telecommunications companies. Nortel, Vodafone, etc, usually develop their own information systems, as well as systems to communicate with customers. Again engineers are well paid, and don't have to work overtime.

Probably there are more groups, but now I can only think about companies specialized in consulting or development of software for specific domains. Industrial control, aviation and space, robotics, etc, are examples of such specific domains.

For the time being lets get started learning how they like CVs in England or Ireland for these are my main targets, as well as Spain (but I actually now how they like CVs here).

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