Saturday, May 15, 2010

Pride and prejudice, by Jane Austen

In part because I forgot to include this book in my last post, and in part because I honestly believe it deserves its own one, here you have my views and feelings about it:

At the present time I expect everyone to be aware of the book's plot. Here we have a group of girls on heavy hormone doses, in the Victorian Great Britain. The books is not more that the tale of their flirting adventures, but what a tale!!

Every character is the book is so wittingly drawn, that after a few chapters we get to understand the way each one plays or accepts the rules of the Victorian world. The story itself is weak, but the way in which the society and its protocols is described is just astonishing.

On top of that, the book is full of emotions, and the connection between the characters and the reader is total. At some point I was feeling so anxious that my heart began to beat faster, and I had "that" feeling on my stomach.....

All in all, a very enjoyable book. Not for English beginners though. The language and the grammar used, can discourage many people and make the whole experience a nightmare.
