Sunday, May 16, 2010

Java GUI programming

Here you have a small compilation of links to different alternatives for Java GUI programming:

.- The official GUI programming trail: Of course the classical aproach to GUI programming is using Java's GUI APIs (AWT, SWING, JFC). While being able to put together UIs using Swing is enough for most developers, the real power comes from a deep understanding of its achitecture.
.- The Standard Widget Toolkit: Eclipse's GUI framework, originally developped by IBM.
.- JavaFX: This API is geared toward RIAs (Rich Internet Applications). However it may be worth a try.
.- Miglayout: Layout manager for Swing and SWT. The layout managers included in any JDK are cumbersome and its very difficult to get the GUI you want, and that it adapts properly to different resolutions. Miglayout come to take layout managers a step higher.

Seemingly, there are not many other tools widely adopted.

I may post more information in the following days, following my investigation on aternatives to Swing.
