Saturday, February 25, 2006

Exams period is over!!!

Yes, finally last week february exams finished. You may wonder about the results as I do, well as far as i know I will pass 6 out of 7, and with good qualifications. I´m studing computer science engineering. You must study 5 years plus a final proyect to get something like a master degree (now in Spain we are trying to accomodate our degrees to international standars so it´s not clear what a master or a bachelor or a degree is in spanish university today). I´m in the forth year. This last to years are by far the most interesting ones. Over the first 3 year you get all kind of basic knowlege, and now it´s the moment to begin to lear more high level staff, I mean things like Artificiall Intelligence, or Computer Architecture.

Know I have a lot of spare time that I´m spending reading, playing guitar and piano, practicing triathlon, browsing over the internet. Life is great when there are no examinations to do!!!

Two weeks ago I received a new satellite transmision unit. You may wonder what the hell is that, I´ll try to explain it. I work as a technical operator in Telefónica, the biggest spanish telecomunications company. We offer transmision services over satellite and optic fiber to television companys. This service is especially used for live news and sports events. Anyway if you have money and want to transmit your birthday party to your relatives is Asia, hesitate and call me, :).

I must say that i´m really proud of my new Unit. It´s been a hard work learning everthing about the new equipment but it´s worth it. This is a more modern and reliable and I think we´ll have more client when they know about all the things we can do with this new Unit.

Ok that´s all for the moment. Thanks for reading.

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