Monday, March 20, 2006

Really Nice Party

Last night I went to a friend's birthday surprise party. It was in a beach called "La Laja". Laura, my friend, thought she was organizing the party that in the begining was planned to be on another beach called "El confital", but finally she found herselft sitted on a car, blindfolded, been driven to an unknown place. We were all waiting in the beach, and two people were with her in the car. Finally she walked into the sand, and we, in silence , made a circle arround her. One putted out the blindfold of her eyes and we began to sing the happy birthday song. It was really moving.

You can imagine the rest of the night: drinking, singing, eating, and having lots and lots of fun.

I didn't carry my camera so I've got no photos, but I'll link with Laura's ones when se upload them. I drunk a lot but today y haven't had headache, that's good because I've spend all the day studing, so I've had a complete weekend, fun, work, and study.

Have fun.

1 Comentarios:

Blogger bruxa escribir...

que guapo sales en las fotos, te lo pasas mal en el curro !!!!
te tengo que devolver la revista ;)

9:59 AM  

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