Friday, June 23, 2006

Do you want to hear me singing?

I´m not going to make you wait, so, here you are:

Arena (sand) (pop-up window)

This is a song I wrote about 3 year ago. Arena is the spanish word for sand. This song expess the smallness feelling of human beings: "We are like sand grains in the universe desert".

I hope you enjoi it.

Sunday, June 18, 2006

NASA´s new vision of space exploration

After listening to Pedro Duque´s conference i´ve been reading a lot of stuff about space exploration, and spacecraft design. I´ve been using two main information sources:

  • NASA´s web page ( This site is full of interesting things. The lastest information available explains the new plans for space exploration designed by Michael Griffin and his crew.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Spanish astronaut Pedro Duque In Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

I´m really really happy about this. Everything related to human´s space exploration excites me, and tomorrow(15th june 2006) I´m going to have the oportunity to meet the first, yet only, spanish astronaut. He is giving a conference in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University.
