Friday, March 31, 2006

Friday night, let´s have a drink

Sunday, March 26, 2006


This weekend I´ve been working in Fuerteventura. We were broadcasting a canarian fight show. Comunication betweeb some of the islands is a little bit difficult so I had to travel yesterday and there was no return ship until today evening. Now It´s 10:00 in the night, and i´ve just arrive home.

Now let´s see some photos I took this morning (Fuerteventura is well known by it´s wonderfull beaches and perpetual sunny weather):

This is a lighthouse situated on the Jandía peninsula. Here you can find huge beaches, actually there is only one continuous beach, thas extends over more than 30Km.

Hey, this is me. I was triying to make a self photo, but because of the intense sunlight I couldn´t see the camera´s red light that signals the moment of the shot, so i was woking towards the camera when the shot was really done. :)

Great beach. There was about 32ºC. The water is about 200m from where you can see me in the picture.

That´s enough for today.

See you.

Monday, March 20, 2006

Really Nice Party

Last night I went to a friend's birthday surprise party. It was in a beach called "La Laja". Laura, my friend, thought she was organizing the party that in the begining was planned to be on another beach called "El confital", but finally she found herselft sitted on a car, blindfolded, been driven to an unknown place. We were all waiting in the beach, and two people were with her in the car. Finally she walked into the sand, and we, in silence , made a circle arround her. One putted out the blindfold of her eyes and we began to sing the happy birthday song. It was really moving.

You can imagine the rest of the night: drinking, singing, eating, and having lots and lots of fun.

I didn't carry my camera so I've got no photos, but I'll link with Laura's ones when se upload them. I drunk a lot but today y haven't had headache, that's good because I've spend all the day studing, so I've had a complete weekend, fun, work, and study.

Have fun.

Saturday, March 18, 2006


Sometimes. Today is one of those days. I´m tired. I´m alone. This has been a hard week. I´ve seen inmigrants that risk their lifes looking for a future without hunger, without pain, without illness, without death. I´ve seen those very small ships they use to travel from Africa to Canary Island, thinking they are doing a travel to future, to prosperity, but instead most of them find death.

Sometimes. Sometimes I hate my job. Sometimes it´s really hard to face the real world. You see things you don´t like to see, and then mass media sweet this things to you, and make what we use to call news, sometimes i prefer to call them lies.

But sometimes you feel you can understand what´s going on better than people that only can see sweet news on TV. Sometimes it´s really great to be part of the news.

Sometimes it´s better to rest.


Sunday, March 12, 2006

OpenCourseWare, free knowlege, as it shoud be.

I'm absolutely amazed. Why? Is easy. A few days ago I was surfing the web looking for information about some courses I'm currently attending at university. Web by web I went into MIT web page, and then I found something calle opencourseware. Opencourseware is a collection of resources for teaching some graduate and undergraduate courses. From phisics to biology you can find course notes, video lessons (really amazing), exams with it´s solutions, ... , everything you need to lear or to teach.

I consider myself as an idealistic one, so when I find things like this, free knowlegde, I feel that the ideal world in which I would like to live is not that far. I can´t understan why some universities, like the one I study in (ulpgc), lock some course notes, and exams, and things like that, instead of opening it´s resources to the world in order to ease enrich human knowlegde, and help underdeveloped countries to grow up.

Today I'm less disapointed with the world.

Enjoy life.

28 Celsiuss Degrees

Yes, Living in Gran Canaria is Great. After a cold winter, colder than it use to be here, spring is coming. This afternoon when i was driving home ater work a I saw temperature on a street clock. It was 28 ºC. We´ve been broadcasting two carnival shows in a city called Telde for the spanish national television company, TVE.

See you.

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

TVE en Canarias