Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The come back is near

Hy lads!!!
Today is one of my last days in Galway, Ireland. I'm not really sure that I want to come back home, actualy i don't want. Here I'm feeling absolutely free, and obviously this kind of student life is very attractive. Anyway I have no option, i must come back work and university. The second part is (the one) that really motivates me, i want to continue learning as much as posible aboute computers and electronics, and perhaps one day, in two years time, come back here to Irland and look for a job.
Tonight we are goint to a concert given by a teacher from de Language School. I hope it will be interesting. Philip, the teacher, seems to be a person with high intellectual life, and i supose his music must reflects this. Anyway I expect to have a great evening with all the people from the School.
Now i must say good bye, i have to go to the city center and finish shoping presents for my relatives and friends in spain. I'm acting as a real turist, buying Guinness T-shirts, Traditional Irish music CD's and this kind of stuff.
Tomorrow more. Bye

Friday, September 23, 2005

Julito, the man from Galway

Hy lads!!!
Here i am, in Galway, Republic of ireland.
First, i must say ireland is a very interesting country, well i only know the west coast but i think the rest must be the same.
I remember the day i came here 3 weeks ago. I was a confused spanish guy, arraving to a totally new place. I had'nt been out of my country for years, i was feeling lost. And now, now i can manage. I can go throu Galway's streets and pubs, listen to de radio, watch tv, even talk with some villagers at pubs.
Next week will be my last week in Galway, for this year. I expect to came back here next year, i'll try to pass the Cambridge First Certificate, or perhaps the Advance. Tonight i'm goint to the pubs with many people from the school, spanish, japanese, swiss, i think it's goint to be great, and tomorro like every saturdar excusion, this week to connemara .
See you, more news are coming.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Hoy es el día............

Por fin hoy me voy a Irlanda, concretamente a Galway, a disfrutar de mis vacaciones y estudiar un poco de inglés en el Galway Cultural Institute.

Como buen español que soy el día antes de viajar salí de juerga y ahora estoy un poco "perjudicado", de todos modos ya he hecho la maleta, casi, así que ahora me puedo concentrar en intentar recordar qué es eso que me falta por meter que me tiene inquieto.

Ya les iré contando la experiencia en sucesivas entradas.


Thursday, September 01, 2005

Éramos pocos y parió la abuela.......

Ante todo muy buenas a todo el mundo.

Hace ya algún tiempo que escribo en barrapunto y debido a que mi actividad "bitacoril" es cada vez más frenética he decidido tener mi propio e independiente espacio en la blogosfera.

Hasta ahora mis escritos no han tenido una temática determinada, he escrito acerca de tecnología (Soy Ingeniero Técnico de Informática de Sistemas), sobre noticias de actualidad, pidiendo información sobre películas, en fin un poco de todo. Incluso me he atrevido con alguna cosilla más filosófica, pero tiempo al tiempo.

No quiero despedir este primer escrito sin recordar con consternación a los más de 600 muertos de hoy en Irak, país supuestamente salvado por la coalición encabezada por EEUU, así como a los muertos y afectados por el terrible huracán Katrina.

Hasta pronto